职        称:副教授

导师 资格:硕导

所属 部门:钻井所

学科 专业:油气井工程

研究 方向:油气井工程力学(井壁稳定、井控、欠平衡)、钻井提速提效等

联系 方式:18628275828,tm4432@126.com

联系 地址:610500 四川省成都市新都区新都大道8号太阳成集团tyc3355cc

汤明,男,1985年7月生于四川简阳,讲师,博士,毕业于太阳成集团tyc3355cc,2008年、2011年、2016年分别获工学学士、工学硕士和工学博士学位,博士毕业后留校任教,主要从事油气井工程流体力学(非牛顿流体环空流动)井壁稳定、井控、欠平衡、钻井提速提效和钻完井新技术等方面的基础研究和教学工作。累积发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI收录30余篇,获2015年Eni Award提名奖,担任《Journal of CO2 Utilization》《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》《International Journal of Refrigeration》《The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal》《石油勘探与开发》《天然气工业》等国内外行业期刊审稿人,被艾斯维尔出版社评为“杰出审稿人”和“认证审稿人”。承担或参与国家级等纵横向科研项目40余项,具有丰富的科研项目研究和项目管理方面的经验。


●2004.09—2011.07    太阳成集团tyc3355cc,石油工程/油气井工程,学士/硕士

●2011.07—2013.06    北京温菲尔德石油技术开发有限公司,助理工程师

●2012.09—2016.07    太阳成集团tyc3355cc,油气井工程,博士

●2014.12—2015.12    美国俄克拉荷马大学,访问学者

●2016.09—2019.12    太阳成集团tyc3355cc,石油与天然气工程学院,讲师

●2020.01—至今          太阳成集团tyc3355cc,石油与天然气工程学院,副教授

●2021.02—至今          西南油气田分公司,勘探事业部工程技术科,副科长(挂职)

















●Tang M,Li H J,He S M,et al. Research and development of high-performance section milling tool for 139.7mm casing[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,2022,online. (SCI)

●Tang M,Yao G H,He S M,et al. Gravity displacement gas kick law in fractured carbonate formation[J]. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology,2022,online. (SCI)

●Tang M,Yao G H,He S M,et al. Spiral laminar flow of yield-power-law fluids in partially blocked annulus[J]. JOURNAL OF DISPERSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021,42(13):1899-911. (SCI)

●Tang M,He L,Kong L H,et al. Simplified modeling of laminar helical flow in eccentric annulus with YPL fluid [J]. Energy Sources,Part A:Recovery,Utilization,and Environmental Effects,2021,44(1):2061-2074. (SCI)

●Tang M,Zhang T H,He S M,et al. Modeling of laminar flow in an eccentric elliptical annulus for YPL fluid [J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2019(64):118-132. (SCI)

●Zhou X,He S M,Tang M,et al. Mechanism of collapse failure and analysis of yield collapse resistance of casing under combined load[J]. Engineering Structures,2019(191):12-22. (SCI)

●Chang X,Zhou J,Guo Y T,He S M,Wang L,Chen Y L,Tang M,Jian R. Heat transfer behaviors in horizontal wells considering the effects of drill pipe rotation,and hydraulic and mechanical frictions during drilling procedures[J]. Energies,2018,11(9):1-28. (SCI)

●Tang M,Yuan L F,He S M,et al. Simplified modeling of YPL fluid flow through a concentric elliptical annular pipe [J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,162:225-232. (SCI)

●Tang M,Ahmed R,Srivastav R,et al. Simplified surge pressure model for yield power law fluid in eccentric annuli[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2016(145):346-356.(SCI)

●Tang M,Ahmed R,He S M,et al. Modeling of yield-power-law fluid flow in a partially blocked concentric annulus[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016(35):555-566. (SCI).

●Tang M,He S M,Xiong J Y,et al. Research and application of recyclable nitrogen-foam horizontal well drilling technology in Daniudi gas field[J]. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents,2014,17(5):995-1001. (SCI).

●Tang M,Xiong J Y,He S M,et al. A new model for computing surge/swab pressure in horizontal wells and analysis of influencing factors[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2014(19):337-343. (SCI).

●Tang M,He S M,Xiong J Y,et al. A Research into recyclable foam fluid for petroleum exploration and development[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2014(21):241-247. (SCI).

●He S M,Ruchir S,Tang M,et al. A new simplified surge and swab pressure model for YPL drilling fluids[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016(28):184-192. (SCI).

●He S M,Tang M,et al. A numerical model to predict surge and swab pressures for yield power law fluid in concentric annuli with open-ended pipe[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2016(145):464-472. (SCI).

He S M,Tang M,et al. Numerical model for predicting the surge and swab pressures for yield-power-law fluids in an eccentric annulus[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2015(26):28-34. (SCI).

●He S M,Wang W,Tang M,et al. Effects of fluid seepage on wellbore stability of horizontal wells drilled underbalanced[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2014(21):338-347. (SCI).

●He S M,Wang W,Tang M,et al. UBD creates wellbore instability in horizontal wells[J]. Oil & Gas Journal,2015(113):76-81. (SCI).

●He S M,Wang W,Shen H,Tang M,et al. Factors influencing wellbore stability during underbalanced drilling of horizontal wells-When fluid seepage is considered[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2015(23):80-89. (SCI).

●He S M,Wang W,Zhou J,Huang Z,Tang M. A model for analysis of wellbore stability considering the effects of weak bedding planes[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2015(27),Part2:1050-1062. (SCI).

●He S M,Zhou J,Chen Y L,Li X N,Tang M. Research on wellbore stress in under-balanced drilling horizontal wells considering anisotropic seepage and thermal effects[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2017,45:338-357. (SCI).

●Zhou J,He S,Tang M,et al. Analysis of wellbore stability considering the effects of bedding planes and anisotropic seepage during drilling horizontal wells in the laminated formation[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering,2018,(17):507-524. (SCI).


●何世明,邓富元,汤明,等.基于常规测井解释的井壁稳定分析软件WSBCLI[CP/CD]: 2018SR516021.2018-05-15.










