(1) Zou Min, Fang Pan*, Hou Yongjun, Synchronization analysis of two eccentric rotors with double-frequency excitation considering sliding mode control, Communication in Nonlinear science and Numerical Simulation,2021,92 (2) Fang Pan*, Wang Kexin, Dai Liming ,Numerical calculation for coupling vibration system by Piecewise-Laplace method, Science Process,2020,103 (3) Zou Min, Fang Pan*,Self-synchronization theory of tri-motor excitation with double-frequency in far resonance system, Proc IMechE Part C:Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,2020,234 (4) Fang Pan*, Wang Yuanguo, Synchronous Control of Multi-Motor Coupled With Pendulum in a Vibration System, IEEE ACCESS, 2020,8 (5) Fang Pan, Huan Peng, Synchronous state of unbalanced rotors in a three-dimensional space and far-resonance system, Proc IMechE Part E: Journal Process Mechanical Engineering, 2019,234 (6) Pan Fang*, Min Zou, Huan Peng, Spatial synchronization of unbalanced rotors excited with paralleled and counterrotating motors in a far resonance system, Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics, 2019,57 (7) Yongjun Hou, Huan Peng, Pan Fang*, Synchronous characteristics of two excited motors in an anti-resonance system, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 2019,1-14 (8)Fang Pan*, Dai Liming, Hou Yongjun, Numerical Computation for the Inertial Coupling Vibration System Using PL Method, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2019, 7 (9) Zou Min, Fang Pan*, Peng Huan, Study on synchronization characteristics for self-synchronous vibration system with dual-frequency and dual-motor excitation, Journal of Mechanical Science and technology, 2019, 33 (10) Pan Fang, Liming Dai, Yongjun Hou, The Study of Identification Method for Dynamic Behavior of High Dimensional Nonlinear System,Shock and vibration. 2019. (11) Pan Fang, Liming Dai, Yongjun Hou, Theoretical Study of Synchronous Behavior in a Dual-Pendulum-Rotor System, Shock and vibration. 2018. (12) Fang Pan*, Hou Yongjun*, Du Mingjun, Synchronization characteristics of a rotor-pendula system in multiple coupling resonant systems, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019, 233 (13) Fang Pan, Hou Yongjun*, Synchronization characteristics of a rotor-pendula system in multiple coupling resonant systems, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2018, 232 (14) Du Mingjun, Hou Yongjun, Fang Pan, Zou Min, Synchronization of two co-rotating rotors coupled with a tensile-spring in a non-resonant system, Archive of Applied Mechanics , 2019, 89 (15) Fang Pan, Hou Yongjun*, Zhang Liping, Du Mingjun, Zhang Mengyuan,Synchronous behavior of a rotor-pendulum system,Acta Physica Sinica,2016, 65 (16) Fang Pan, Hou Yongjun*, Nan Yanghai, Yu Le. Study of Synchronization for a Rotor-pendulum System with Poincare Method. Journal of Vibroengineering. 2015,16 (17) Fang Pan, Hou Yongjun*, Nan Yanghai, Synchronization of two homodromy rotors installed on a double vibro-body in a coupling vibration system, Plos one. 2015, 19 (18) Fang Pan, Yang Qiming, Hou Yongjun*, Theoretical study on self-synchronization of two homodromy rotors coupled with a pendulum rod in a far-resonant vibrating system. Journal of Vibroengineering. 2014, 16 (19) Hou Yongjun,Du Mingjun,Fang Pan*,Zhang Liping,synchronization and stability of anelastically coupled tri-rotor vibration system, Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics, 2017, 55 |