姓名 |
田健秋 |
出生年月 |
1993.08 |
职称 |
讲师 |
硕导/博导 |
硕士生导师 |
学科专业 |
岩土工程 |
研究方向 |
土的本构模型与数值模拟、颗粒材料宏-细-微观力学特性 |
所属室所 |
岩土与地下工程教研室 |
联系方式 |
Email: jianqiu_tian@163.com |
个人简介 |
田健秋,男,重庆人,汉族,中共党员,工学博士,讲师。2012-2022年本硕博阶段就读于四川大学,2016年保送硕士研究生,2022年6月获得四川大学土木工程专业工学博士学位。主要从事土的本构模型与数值模拟、颗粒材料宏-细-微观力学特性等方面的教学和研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目、太阳成集团tyc3355cc引进人才科研启动项目,参与国家自然基金重大项目、国家重点研发计划项目、企业委托科研项目。在Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering、Acta Geotechnica、Powder Technology、Computers and Geotechnics等权威期刊和会议上发表论文10余篇,出版专著1部。成都市“共建幸福美好·雏鹰计划”青年科技人才,SCI期刊Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment、European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering审稿专家。
研究领域 |
一、饱和/非饱和土的本构模型与数值模拟 二、岩土材料应变局部化 三、颗粒材料宏-细-微观力学特性 |
教育背景及工作经历 |
教育背景: 2012.09 ~ 2016.06,四川大学,水利水电学院,水利水电工程,工学学士 2016.09 ~ 2019.06,四川大学,水利水电学院,岩土工程,工学硕士 2019.09 ~ 2022.06,四川大学,水利水电学院,岩土工程,工学博士 工作经历: 2022.09 ~ 至今,太阳成集团tyc3355cc,地球科学与技术学院,岩土与地下工程系,讲师 |
主要研究项目 |
1. “非饱和昔格达土的水力-力学特性与宏-细观本构模型”,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2025.01- 2027.12,项目负责; 2. 太阳成集团tyc3355cc引进人才科研启动项目,2022.09-2025.09,项目负责; 3. “不同土壤水力学介导下的山坡含根系岩土体水-热-力多场耦合分析”,国家自然基金重大项目“地形急变带生态-水文过程对岩土水力性质的影响及分异规律“课题的子题,2018.01-2022.12,项目参与; 4. “震后特大泥石流形成机制与起动判识模型”,国家重点研发计划“强震山区特大地质灾害致灾机理与长期效应研究”项目课题的子题,2018.01-2021.12,项目参与; 5. “西藏昌都市拉诺玛铅锌矿尾矿库工程抗震动力分析”,企业委托科研项目,2019.10-2022.12,项目参与。 |
代表性成果 |
一、代表性论文: 1. Tian J, Liu E, Guo Y. A thermodynamics-based three-scale constitutive model for partially saturated granular material-s. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 16(5): 1813-1831. 2. Tian J, Lai Y, Liu E, He C. A thermodynamics-based micro-macro elastoplastic micropolar continuum model for granu-lar materials. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 162: 105653. 3. Tian J, Lai Y, Liu E, Yang Y. A micromechanics-based elasto-plastic model for granular media combined with Cosserat continuum theory. Acta Geotechnica, 2022, 17(6): 2259-2285. 4. Tian J, Liu E, He C. Shear band analysis of granular materials considering effects of particle shape. Acta Mechanica, 2020, 231(11): 4445-4461. 5. Tian J, Liu E. Influences of particle shape on evolutions of force-chain and micro-macro parameters at critical state for granular materials. Powder Technology, 2019, 354: 906-921. 6. Tian J, Liu E. Effect of particle shape on micro- and mesostructure evolution of granular assemblies under biaxial load-ing conditions. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2018, 346(12): 1233-1252. 7. Tian J, Liu E, Jiang L, Jiang X, Sun Y, Xu R. Influence of particle shape on the microstructure evolution and the mech-anical properties of granular materials. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2018, 346(6): 460-476. 8. Tian J, Huang R, Liu E. Influence of particle shape on the mechanical property of granular materials. GeoShanghai Int-ernational Conference, 2018: 63-73. 9. Xu R, Liu E, Jiang X, Tian J, Sun Y. Analysis on evolution of mesostructure of cohesionless soil ground upon loading. Powder Technology, 2020, 368:1-17. 10. Sun Y, Liu E, Jiang L, Tian J, Jiang X, Xu R. Dynamic mechanical properties and mesostructure evolution of granular materials subjected to cyclic loading. Granular Matter, 2020, 22(3): 70. 11. Jiang X, Liu E, Jiang L, Tian J, Sun Y. Evolution of meso-structures and mechanical properties of granular materials under triaxial compression state from complex network perspective. Granular Matter, 2018, 20(3): 54. 12. Jiang L, Liu E, Tian J, Jiang X. Effects of Inter-Particle Frictional Coefficients on Evolution of Contact Networks in Landslide Process. Engineering, 2017, 9(11): 917-936. 13. Jiang L, Yin X, Tian J, Liu E. Mechanical properties of Xigeda soil with different contents of EPS under a consolidated undrained triaxial compression test. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Congress on Advanced Engineering and Technology, 2016, 55-61. 14. Tang Y, Liu Y, Tian J, He M, Liu E. Study on mechanical and chemical properties of tailing soils extracted from one dam site in a cold plateau region. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Congress on Advanced Engineering and Technology, 2016, 63-70. 二、专著: 刘恩龙,郅彬,曹鹏,田健秋,等. 《颗粒流算例分析》. 四川大学出版社,2017.
研究团队 |
岩土工程灾害预警与防治研究团队 寒区工程与多孔介质材料研究团队