姓名 |
魏晓琛 |
出生年月 |
1987.12 |
职称 |
副研究员 |
硕导/博导 |
硕士生导师 |
学科专业 |
岩石力学 |
研究方向 |
钻前钻井完井地质-工程一体化设计与优化 |
所属室所 |
岩土教研室 |
联系方式 |
Email: achencumt@163.com |
个人简介 |
魏晓琛,博士、硕士生导师。曾先后就读中国矿业大学(本、硕)和中科院武汉岩土所(博),现工作于太阳成集团tyc3355cc地球科学与技术学院。中国岩石力学学会会员,担任《JOURNAL OF GEOLOGICAL RESEARCH》编委会成员,《Environmental Earth Sciences》、《Natural Hazards》、《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》等SCI期刊审稿人。长期从事复杂地层、复杂结构井钻前钻井完井地质-工程一体化设计与优化相关问题的研究。主持国家自然科学基金1项、国家重点实验室开放基金2项,发表论文20余篇。
研究领域 |
一、 储层压前三维地应力场精细描述 二、 非常规储层水平井压裂缝网扩展特征研究 三、 非常规储层井轨迹与射孔分段优化研究
教育背景及工作经历 |
教育背景: 2013/9-2016/7,中科院武汉岩土所,岩土工程,博士 2009/9-2012/7,中国矿业大学,地质工程,硕士 2005/9-2009/7,中国矿业大学,地质工程,本科
工作经历: 2016/7至今,太阳成集团tyc3355cc,讲师、副研究员 2014/5-2014/9,澳大利亚昆士兰大学,访问学者
主要研究项目 |
1、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“CO2环境下断层泥摩擦强度-渗透性能耦合机制研究”,项目来源:国家自然科学基金委员会,研究期限:2019/01-2021/12/31,合同经费:24万元,主持; 2、国家级重点实验室开放基金课题“鄂南长7砂泥岩交互地层应力分布特征研究”,课题编号:GSYKY-B09-33,项目来源:国家页岩油研发中心,研究期限:2017/10-2018/10,合同经费:27万,主持; 3、国家级重点实验室开放基金:二氧化碳地质利用场地断层危险性动态评估方法研究,课题编号:Z017008,项目来源:岩土力学与工程国家重点实验室,研究期限:2018/ 01-2019/12,合同经费:10万元,主持; 4、企事业单位委托科技项目“克拉苏构造带盐上地层提速地质力学机理研究”,项目来源:中国石油天然气股份有限公司塔里木油田分公司,研究期限:2018/10-2020/8,合同经费:180万,参与; 5. 企事业单位委托科技项目“准噶尔盆地南缘高倾角地层压裂改造技术研究”,项目来源:新疆油田公司,研究期限:2018/10-2019/10,合同经费:88万,主研。
代表性成果 |
一、主要学术期刊: 1、Xiaochen Wei, Qi Li,Xiaying Li, Zhiyong Niu, Xiangjun Liu, Lixi Liang,Effects of Different Penetration Patterns on a Fault during Underground Fluid Injection, Geofluids, 2019, 2027510: 1-15 2、Xiaochen Wei, Xin Fan, Fengxia Li, Xiangjun Liu, Lixi Liang, Qi Li, Uncertainty analysis of hydraulic fracture height containment in a layered formation, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2018, 77:664. 3、Wei, Xiao Chen; Li, Qi ; Li, Xia-Ying; Sun, Yan-Kun; Liu, Xue Hao, Uncertainty analysis of impact indicators for the integrity of combined caprock during CO2 geosequestration, Engineering Geology, 2015.9.30, 196: 37~46 4、Wei Xiaochen ; Zhiyong Niu; Qi Li ; Jianli Ma, Potential failure analysis of thawing-pipeline interaction at fault crossing in permafrost, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 106: 31~40 5、Wei, Xiaochen; Li, Qi ; Li, Xiaying; Niu, Zhiyong, Modeling the hydromechanical responses of sandwich structure faults during underground fluid injection, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016.8, 75(16) 6、Wei, Xiaochen; Li, Qi ; Li, Xiaying; Sun, Yankun, Impact indicators for caprock integrity and induced seismicity in CO2 geosequestration: insights from uncertainty analyses, Natural Hazards, 2016.3, 81(1): 1~21 7、Xiaochen Wei; Qi Li ; Xiaying Li; Huilin Xing, Numerical Simulation of Fault Reactivation and Induced Seismicity in Ordos Basin, The 13th International ISRM Congress, Montreal, 2015.5.10-2015.5.13 8、魏晓琛; 李琦; 邢会林; 李霞颖; 宋然然, 地下流体注入诱发地震机理及其对CO2地下封存工程的启示, 地球科学进展, 2014, (11): 1226~124 9、Qi Li, Jianli Ma, Wenbin Fei, Xiaochen Wei. Coupling of ABAQUS and ECLIPSE for thermo-hydro-geomechanical modeling of fluid flow and rock deformation associated with carbon dioxide geological sequestration, 2017, 15th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics. 10、Qi Li, Zhiyong Niu, Xiaochen Wei, Stability Assessment of Hidden Faults at the Potential CO2-EWR Site, Conference: 14th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS 2017)At: Singapore, Conference Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society. 11、Zhiyong Niu, Qi Li, Xiaochen Wei, Numerical Investigation of Slippage Characteristics of Normal and Reverse Faults under Fluid Injection and Production, 2017, Environmental Earth Sciences 76(14):502. 12、Zhiyong Niu, Qi Li, Xiaochen Wei, Numerical Simulation of a Hidden Fault at Different Stages of Evolution in a Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Saline Water Recovery Site, 2017, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 154. 13.Qi Li, Xiaying Li,…Wei Xiaochen, Abandonment Process for Injection Well of China's Shenhua Carbon Dioxide Geological Storage Demonstration Project, 2017, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology.、 14、Zhiyong Niu, Qi Li, Xiaochen Wei, Estimation of the surface uplift due to fluid injection into a reservoir with a clayey interbed, 2017, Computers and Geotechnics 87. 15、Qi Li, Hui Shi, Duoxing Yang, Duoxing Yang, Wei Xiaochen, Modeling the key factors that could influence the diffusion of CO2 from a wellbore blowout in the Ordos Basin, China, 2016, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(4). 16、Wenbin Fei, Qi Li, Wei Xiaochen, Interaction Analysis for CO2 Geological Storage and Underground Coal Mining in Ordos Basin, China, 2015, Engineering Geology 196. 17、Wenbin Fei, Qi Li, …Wei Xiaochen, Coupled Analysis for Interaction of Coal Mining and CO2 Geological Storage in Ordos Basin, China, 2014, ISRM International Symposium - 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium - Rock Mechanics for Global Issues - Natural Disasters, Environment and Energy. 18、D.-Q. Kuang, Qi Li, X.-C. Wei, Numerical simulation of distribution of migration of CO2 in Shenhua carbon capture and storage demonstration project, 2014, Rock and Soil Mechanics 35(9):2623-2633 and 2641. 19、Qi Li, Wenbin Fei, …Wei Xiaochen, Challenging combination of CO2 geological storage and coal mining in Ordos basin, China, 2014,Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 4(4). 20、李琦; 魏晓琛, 二氧化碳地质封存场地盖层完整性指标不确定性估计方法, 2015.2.14, 中国, CN201510079259.4 |
研究团队 |
岩石力学与井壁稳定团队 |