

发布日期:2014年12月04日      作者:      编辑:刘佯      审核:      点击:[]

第七届外语调频电台新闻部 2014下半年第七期新闻

Part I News Express
1. In the conversation to strengthen interflow among countries, Chinese President Xi Jinping declared that China was scheduled to contribute 40 billion dollars to the establishment of Silk Road Fund.
2. The new President of the European commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, took office, and his term will end on October 31
st ,2019.
3.  The first deep-sea drilling ship with overall intellectual property rights has been built by China and it was named OPUS Tiger One officially on November 8th.
中国建成首艘拥有全部知识产权的深海钻井船,并于8日正式命名为“华彬OPUS TIGER1”号(老虎一号)。
4. German rail strike continues after the court rejects lawsuit.

Part II Campus News
撰稿人:柳雯       院系:经济管理学院2014级       学号:201431100175
Petroleum Engineering College Student Tian Ye Win Runner-up
in SPE Paper Contest
  From Oct. 27th to 29th, the 2014 annual conference of the SPE was held in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Tian Ye, a graduate student of Petroleum Engineering College, won runner-up in the undergraduates’ group.
   The award-winning paper of Tian Ye, named
“Experimental Study on Stress Sensitivity of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs” was completed when he was an undergraduate, and it was about the experiment of fractured reservoir stress sensitivity.
  TianYe participated in the APAC meeting of oil and gas with the paper in Djakarta, Indonesia from Oct. 22th to 24th, 2013 and he won the championship of the undergraduates’ group in the paper contest in APAC. Therefore, he obtained the qualification to join in the 2014 annual conference of the SPE and the final competition of the paper contest.
   The Paper Contest of SPE has been considered as the highest-level competition among students in the oil industry. There were 10 undergraduates taking part in it, and they were all the champions of the paper contest in APAC, Europe, South America, the Middle East, Caucasus and North America. The top three were from University of Oklahoma, SWPU and Texas A&M University.
      田野的获奖论文是本科期间完成的,这篇论文题目为《Experimental Study on Stress Sensitivity of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs》,这是关于裂缝性油藏应力敏感实验研究的文章。

稿人:艾艺璇 院系:经济管理学院2013级 学号:201309060105
The Opening Symposium of
“Cultural Month of SWPU History” Held
  On November 6th, the opening ceremony of “Cultural Month of SWPU History” was held in the academic hall in Si Xue building. Sun Yiping, secretary of school CPC Committee, expounded the forming process of the SWPU Spirit and its connotation, and stressed that students in SWPU were obliged to inherit and develop the spirit, which resonated with all the teachers and students.
  In 2014, SWPU has made a strategic plan of comprehensive reform and put forward a target of constructing a high-level and characteristic university as well as a century-old prestigious university. It is the dream of SWPU, the extension of our predecessors’ achievements and the unfolding of a new era.
   Sun Yiping said, “It is dreams that can create future. During the process of stepping into our brand new tomorrow, let’s make concerted efforts to inherit the spirits of working hard, pursuing the truth, knitting together and daring to be pioneers. Let’s make new glorious achievements in the new epoch!”
撰稿人:刘迪雅 院系:经济管理学院2014级 学号:201431100273
The First SWPU Management Talent Competition Launched
  On November 5th, a voting selection of the First SWPU Management Talent Competition, sponsored by Publicity Department of Economics and Management Institute took place in Boxue square among all the students.
  Since the beginning of September, many sophomores and seniors have participated in the competition. They needed to provide data in a great many aspects such as their own awards, school records, social experience and etc., including self-describing materials as well as videos afterwards. The selection mainly focuses on 9 various awarding categories including Work Award, Publicity Award, Academic Award, Entrepreneurial Award, Group Award, Sport Award, Practice Award, Art Award, and Technology Award. After more than two months of the internal selection, there are 19 outstanding candidates standing out, a majority of whom have even won the national scholarship or entitled honorable titles of the provincial level.
  The first Management Talent Competition is the extension of SWPU Fly award in Economics and Management Institute. Not only has the competition aroused the passion of freshmen in Economics and Management Institute, but it has set examples for the whole students in SWPU.
撰稿人:伍康林  院系:地球科学与技术学院2014级  学号:201431020426
A 19-Year-Old Girl Cannot Eat for A Weird Disease
 According to the report of NBC news, over the last two years, Sara Gebert, a young girl from New Jersey, has been incapable of taking food because of the distress of a mysterious disease named CIPO(Chronic Intestinal Psuedo Obstruction).
  The weird disease, CIPO, will activate the body’s automatic defense system by making the body mistakenly and constantly assumed that whatever food is not able to pass through the digestive system. As a dreadful consequence, she cannot take even a drink. In the rest lifetime of Sara, she’s bound to obtain sufficient nutrition by inserting a pipette to transmit nutrient solution. Besides that, she has no option but to rely on the exclusive med kits to discharge the redundant digestive juice.
   Based on the presumable figure, approximately 150 people have been diagnosed with CIPO. At present, along with her friends, Sara established a nonprofit organization called Sara’s Army to market sports safety exclusively for the regular operation of the website and social media extension. Furthermore, the rare disease CIPO can be publicized comprehensively through above-mentioned approaches. But most of all, the relevant field of science has made some advances.
      据NBC报道,在过去两年时间里,来自新泽西州的19岁少女萨拉·格伯特(Sara Gebert)因为罹患一种罕见且无法治愈的怪病,一直无法进食。
    这种名为“Chronic Intestinal Psuedo Obstruction”(简称CIPO)的慢性伪肠梗阻疾病,令其自身机体长期误以为任何食物都无法经过消化系统,进而启动机体的自动防御机制,令其无法进食。在格伯特余下的生命里,她每晚睡觉前都必须通过插入吸管,输送营养液到体内血液循环系统。此外,她还必须使用专门的医用包排出多余的胃消化液。
  目前全世界仅有150个人被确诊患上CIPO疾病。目前格伯特正试图提升公众对这种疾病的意识与认识。她与一些朋友联合创办了一个“Sara's Army”非营利组织,专门销售运动护具,用于支撑网站运营和社交媒体推广,以便向众人宣传教育CIPO这种疾病。更重要的是,目前该科学领域已取得一些进展。
撰稿人:黄慰兰       院系:石工院2014级     学号:201431010412
HK is Fighting with Dengue Fever
  On November 8th, the third case of Dengue fever was found in HK, and it’s completely different from the cases before. It shows that dengue was caused by different sources. Gao Yongwen, director of Food and Health Bureau, said that we had to make concerted efforts to combat mosquitoes.
  Gao said, “We should make an assumption that there will be a sporadic case of dengue in HK. Meanwhile, in order to reduce the amount of mosquitoes, they will continue their anti-mosquito campaign this winter so that dengue can be effectively controlled during the next summer.” He also reminded citizens to protect themselves when going out.
   Liang Tingxiong, director of Health Protection, said that the weather recently was right for mosquito breeding and multiplying, and the virus could be passed on from generation to generation through mosquitoes. Accordingly, they would go on with the anti-mosquito campaign. In addition, Liang reminded that once infected by and had a sign of fever, muscle soreness and so on, citizens should turn to doctors for help as soon as possible.

上一条:【校园新闻】20141124第八期新闻 下一条:【校园新闻】20141110第六期新闻
