第七届外语调频电台新闻部 2014下半年第三期新闻 负责人:朱怡帆 Part I News Express 1. China's leading e-commerce company Alibaba Group was successfully listed on the New York Stock Exchange on September 19th. 中国电子商务领军者阿里巴巴集团于九月十九日在纽约证券交易所正式挂牌交易。 2. China has just surpassed the United States as the world's largest economy, according to the latest data from the International Monetary Fund. 根据国际货币基金组织最新数据显示,中国已超越美国成为最大经济体。 3. The sentiment that every country must do its part to address the global issue received a consensus amongst all leaders and representatives attending the 2014 UN Climate Summit in New York City on September 23rd. 九月二十三日参加纽约联合国气候峰会的领导和代表一致达成“各国必须为解决全球问题贡献自己的一份力量”的共识。 4. Facebook and Apple are offering women employees the chance to put their dreams of motherhood on ice – by paying for them to freeze their eggs. 据《每日邮报》报道,苹果公司和Facebook出台了新政策,为公司女员工出资冷冻卵子以了却她们迟些做母亲的梦想。 Part II Campus News
撰稿人:朱怡帆 院系:石油工程与天然气学院2013级 学号:201301010734 The First SWPU Foreign Language & Culture Festival Launched
In response to the central principle of cultivating innovative talents, the First Foreign Language & Culture Festival of SWPU, jointly sponsored by Foreign Language School, the Academic Affairs Office, along with the Youth League Committee, launched a formal opening in October after several months' preparations and arrangements. Serving as the most extensive and magnificent event throughout the history of SWPU, the First Foreign Language & Culture Festival has combined both academic competitions and curricular practice. Moreover, language, culture and communication, as the themes of this festival, will play a significant role during the whole process. This Foreign Language & Culture Festival aims to broaden students' horizons, stimulate their innovative spirits, foster their practical and comprehensive abilities as well as maintain a highly conductive atmosphere for language learning, so as to promote further development and prosperity of foreign language teaching. To help each college grasp a better cognition of this event,appropriate cooperation is available for certain activities. Up to now, all the preparatory work has been fully completed, with publicity campaign via network and posters carrying on in full swing. Latest information of the Foreign Language & Culture Festival will be released by Voice of Campus,the radio station via Wechat, Microblog, and its official website.
金秋十月,美丽的太阳成集团tyc3355cc还陶醉在庆祝建国六十五周年的喜悦气氛中,历经长达数月策划与筹备的太阳成集团tyc3355cc第一届外语文化节已经正式拉开帷幕。 以全面提升校园外语学习氛围为目的太阳成集团tyc3355cc外语文化节,是在全球化发展 加剧的背景下,为响应党和国家提出的培养新世纪创新型人才为目标的方针政策而开展的。外语文化节由外国语学院、校教务处、校学生工作处、校团委主办,“校园之声”外语调频广播电台承办,旨在通过引导学生积极参与各种具有实效性的外语文化活动,让每一位学生在外语文化节中体验到学习和运用外语的快乐,获得成功的喜悦,进而培养太阳成学生的创新精神、实践能力和外语综合运用能力,扩大学生的语言知识面,开拓学生眼界,提高学生学习外语的兴趣,促进太阳成外语教育的进一步发展。 太阳成集团tyc3355cc外语文化节是太阳成集团tyc3355cc迄今为止规模最大、活动最多、内容涵盖面最广的外语文化节。本届外语文化节与校级学科竞赛“校园之声英语实践技能大赛”以及大学英语拓展课程《英语综合实践》相结合,以语言(Language)、文化(Culture)、交流(Communication)为主题,共15个分项展开,从而为具有不同外语学习兴趣的学生提供大量的个性化的外语实践机会。本届外语文化节活动历时3个月,太阳成学生将通过文化节感受异域文化魅力,展现个性风采,掀起真正快乐地学习外语的热潮! 为帮助各学院更好地了解外语文化节,参与文化节,本届外语文化节特别将部分活动的联办权提供对外申报。在各个学院的大力支持下,最终石油与天然气工程学院、化学化工学院、经济管理学院、土木工程与建筑学院及机电工程学院分别取得了“我爱记单词单词大比拼”、“(国际油气资源区)异域风情展板制作大赛”、“校园之声外文歌手大赛”、“I Love Reading校园之声英文读书分享会”以及“校园之声英文写作大赛”的联办权。 目前,太阳成集团tyc3355cc第一届外语文化节各项准备工作已全面就绪,文化节的网络宣传及校园海报宣传也正火热地进行。太阳成集团tyc3355cc“校园之声”外语调频广播电台将通过电台微信公众平台(微信号:swpuvoc)、微博(http://weibo.com/swpuvoc)以及电台官网(http://voc.swpu.edu.cn/)及时向同学们发布文化节最新消息。
撰稿人:黄慰兰 院系:石工院2014级 学号:201431010412 Petroleum Engineering College Launched Quality Development Camp Ceremony
On October 12th, The launching ceremony of Quality Development Camp of Petroleum Engineering College was held in the football field at 8:30a.m.. Leaders from all fields attended the ceremony, which was moderated by Cheng Gang, secretary of of the Youth League Committee of Petroleum Engineering College. Guo Jianchun, president of Petroleum Engineering School, delivered a speech at first. He said that he hoped students can practise their team-work abilities and get rid of the habit of empirical thinking. He also reiterated that this training focused on an all-rounded improvement of education. Experiences and understanding are the keys and they're also the most basic characteristics of this training. Afterwards, Jiang Jiahao, on behalf of all freshmen delivered an address. He expressed sincere thanks to the leaders for their considerate concern, indicating that students would treasure this rare opportunity and try their best to finish it, and they wouldn’t let those leaders down. Guo Jianchun and Liu Heng jointly uncovered the brand, while Guo Jianchun declared the opening of this training camp.
10月12日,石油与天然气工程学院“油气精英”素质拓展训练营开营仪式在于上午8点半在足球运动场隆重举行。仪式由石工院团委书记陈刚主持。 石工院党委书记、院长郭建春首先为开营典礼致词。他希望同学们能锻炼自己团队的合作能力,打破自己的惯性思维。他说:“户外素质拓展训练是对学校传统教育的一次全面提升和综合补充,它最显著的特点是:体验和感悟,这是素质拓展训练区别于其它培训方式的最根本的特征。” 其次,学生代表石油工程专业2014级蒋家豪同学发言,蒋家豪同学表达了对校领导给予石工院新生的关于与厚爱的真诚感谢,表示一定会珍惜本次拓展训练机会,努力完成各项训练内容,不辜负学校及学院领导的期望。接着,刘恒和郭建春为石油与天然气工程学院“油气精英”素质拓展训练营揭牌。 最后,郭建春老师宣布:石油与天然气工程学院“油气精英”素质拓展训练营开营。
撰稿人 : 顾睿 经济管理学院2014级 学号 :201431100035
Silver Killer----Smog
In the special alternation of autumn and winter, our ground takes on the silver clothes again---the Smog. Beijing, Shanghai and many metropolises especially in the North are shrouded in smog. Our people cannot help but still live there. With people putting on the masks, everything seems as if it has never happened. But should we continue to live this way forever? Should we continue to suffer more from the pollution? In recent years, air pollution and its health impact has become a big threat in mainland China. So protecting our air has been the most important mission for us. The government of all levels has attached great importance to the environmental protection. In the meantime, the State Council has taken effective measures to shut down the enterprises which caused severe pollution and strengthen the law enforcement. But this is far from enough. We have to start from ourselves, and from doing trifling things. We must regard it as the action of the whole people. All in all, we have only one Earth, we can’t turn a blind eye to the dirty environment around us any longer. She was born with amazing looks. So let’s unite and fight together for her beauteous tomorrow.
又是一年秋冬之交,大地在一次披上她那一身银装——雾霾。北京、上海等一些尤其是北方的大城市,都笼罩在茫茫白雾之中。人们无奈只能在那里继续生活下去,带上一个个口罩,一切仿佛从来没有发生过。但是,我们难道要一直这样生活下去吗?我们还要一直忍受着大气污染带来的伤害吗? 近些年来,空气污染和它对健康带来的影响正在成为中国的一大威胁。所以,对大气的保护变成了环境保护中最重要的任务。各级政府十分重视环保工作,同时,国务院也采取有效措施加快整治和关闭“三高企业”,并加强法律监管力度。但只有这些还远远不够。每个公民都应当从“我”做起,从身边小事做起。我们要把环保工作作为全民行动,做到全民参与。 说尽千言万语,我们只有一个地球,我们再也不能对污染熟视无睹。地球生而美丽,让我们携起手来共同创造她的美丽明天。
撰稿人:张露 专业:20,14级法学院法学 学号:201431110115 Zhou Xiaochuan: GDP growth is expected to 7.5 per cent
On October 10th to 12th, 2014, the annual meeting of the international monetary fund and World Bank were held in Washington DC. Zhou Xiaochuan, president of PBC, governed the Chinese government delegation and attended the meeting. He made a speech on the 30th International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) Ministerial Meeting, talking about Chinese economic situation. IMFC Ministerial Conference mainly discussed the latest development and risk of global economy and financial markets, the global policy agenda ,fund reform and other issues. Zhou Xiaochuan said, during a presentation of China's economic situation, the current Chinese economy is in reasonable range, and the employment situation is now better than expected. Inflation is stable at lower levels, structural adjustments and reform improve steadily, and an expectation of the full-year GDP growth at 7.5% is rational. Although the adjustments of real estate market has certainly influenced economic growth in the short term, yet along with the advance of urbanization and the transform of economic growth mode, Chinese economy will achieve a more sustainable and high-quality increase for the long term. The international monetary fund and world bank unite annual meeting, development committee fall ministerial conference meeting and other meetings ,were also held during the IMFC Ministerial Meeting..Yi Gang, deputy governor of the people's bank of China, and Shi Yaobin, deputy finance minister attended the meeting as well.
2014年10月10-12日,国际货币基金组织和世界银行年会系列会议在美国华盛顿召开。中国人民银行行长周小川率中国政府代表团出席,并在第30届国际货币与金融委员会(IMFC)部长级会议上就中国经济形势作了发言。 IMFC部长级会议主要讨论了全球经济和金融市场 的近况和风险、全球政策议程和基金组织改革等问题。 周小川在介绍中国经济形势时指出,当前中国经济运行总体处于合理区间,就业情况好于预期,通货膨胀稳定在较低水平,结构调整和各项改革稳步推进,预计全年GDP增速在7.5%左右。尽管房地产市场调整、环境污染治理和制造业增速放缓短期内对经济增速产生一定影响,但随着城镇化推进和经济增长方式转变,中国经济中长期将实现更可持续和更高质量的增长。 年会期间还举行了国际货币基金组织和世界银行联合年会、发展委员会秋季部长级会议等会议。中国人民银行副行长易纲、财政部副部长史耀斌出席了会议。
撰稿人:梁佳浩 院系:外国语学院 学号:201431130078
Ten-thousand Tons’ Law Enforcement Ship Under Construction Exposed to Be Top of World
Recently the internet exposed several pictures about the large ship made in Chinese military factory. Judging from pictures, the displacement of the large ship is about ten thousand tons, and obviously different from the hull form of the constructing navy warship. It’s the next generation of large law enforcement ships which are under construction. With the increasingly serious struggle for the sea rights, most of the old ships are confronted with problems, such as lack of continuation of the journey and ability to against storms. Therefore, it is extremely urgent to build a kind of new ship which has larger displacement. Currently, the largest law enforcement ship in Japan, has a displacement of 7000 tons. Facing the aggressive posture of Japan, military experts expressed that Chinese shipbuilding capability has far exceeded Japan, and we could completely make a quits ten-thousand tons law enforcement ship. However, the appearance of Ten -thousand Tons’ Law Enforcement Ship means that China may possibly become the top of the world, being a mainstay in our struggle for the sea rights. Not only make small individual countries unable to keep pace with these hundred-tons patrol boats, but also make Japan hold in awe and veneration.
近日,网络上曝光了数张中国军工船厂在建的大型船只照片。从图片判断,这艘大型舰船的排水量应在万吨左右,与正在建造的海军舰船船型有明显的不同。这是我国正在建造的下一代大型海面执法船。 我国海上维权斗争日益严峻,大多小吨位的老旧船只面临续航能力短,抗风浪能力低的问题。建造吨位更大的海上执法船迫在眉睫。 目前世界上最大的海警船在日本,排水量高达7000吨,面对日本咄咄逼人的态势,军事专家表示:中国造船能力已远超过日本,我们完全有能力造出对等的万吨级海警船。 不过万吨级海上执法船的现身,也意味着中国或将成为“世界第一”,不仅让个别小国百吨级执法巡逻艇望尘莫及,连日本也得敬畏三分,成为我国海上维权执法的中流砥柱。