职       称:助理研究员     


联系地址:610500 四川省成都市新都区新都大道85号太阳成集团tyc3355cc

何腾蛟,四川南充人,助理研究员,博士(后)。2023年毕业于太阳成集团tyc3355cc,获油气储运工程博士学位。主要从事油气储运系统结构与安全、检测评价、完整性管理、腐蚀防护、智能管道等方面的科研工作,包括油气管道缺陷非接触磁检测理论与技术、主动励磁三维应力定量表征与智能监测、复杂荷载管道完整性评价、内外腐蚀直接评价技术等。主研国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,四川省自然科学基金面上项目1项,校企合作横向科研课题十余项;发表学术论文34篇,其中SCI、EI论文20篇(累积影响因子超70);授权发明专利17件,包括美国发明专利2件;担任《ISA TRANSACTIONS》等SCI期刊的审稿专家。


●2013.09-2017.06    太阳成集团tyc3355cc,油气储运工程,学士
●2017.09-2020.07    太阳成集团tyc3355cc,油气储运工程,硕士
●2020.09-2023.08    太阳成集团tyc3355cc,油气储运工程,博士
●2024.03-至今          太阳成集团tyc3355cc石油与天然气工程学院,博士后




●HE T,LIAO K,HE G,et al. Quantitative study on magnetic-based stress detection and risk evaluation for girth welds with unequal wall thickness of high-grade steel pipelines[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2022,108:104825.
●HE T,LIAO K,TANG J,et al. Quantitative study of sensor-pipe distance in noncontact magnetic detection of ferromagnetic pipelines[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal,2023,23(7):7879-7894.
●HE T,JIANG X,WANG Y,et al. Experimental research on the thermal and mechanical response of flowing pipelines under the horizontal jet flame[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2023 108:35-52.
●HE T,LIU Y,LIAO K,et al. A novel liquid pipeline internal corrosion direct evaluation technology and the application on the water pipeline[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis,2024,158:108053.
●HE T,LIAO J,LIAO K,et al. Quantitative research on stress failure risk assessment for girth welds with unequal wall thickness of the X80 pipeline under lateral load[J]. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping,2024,208:105124.
●HE T,LIAO K,LENG J,et al. A novel non-contact,magnetic-based stress inspection technology and its application to stress concentration zone diagnosis in pipelines[J]. Measurement Science and Technology,2023,34(9):095001.
●HE T,LIAO K,HE G,et al. Study on remote magnetic detection technology for external defects of small-diameter pipelines[J]. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice,2024,15(1):04023046.
●HE G,HE T,LIAO K,et al. Experimental and numerical analysis of non-contact magnetic detecting signal of girth welds on steel pipelines[J]. ISA Transactions,2022,125:681-98.
●XIA G,LIAO K,HE T,et al. Numerical analyses of the stress and ultimate bearing capacity for small-diameter gas pipelines under multiple-wheel heavy vehicle[J]. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice,2023,14(4).
●QIN M,LIAO K,HE G,HE T,et al. Quantitative risk assessment of static equipment in petroleum and natural gas processing station based on corrosion-thinning failure degree[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2023,172:144-156.
●LIAO K,LENG J,CHENG Y,HE T,et al. Effect of H2S concentrations on corrosion failure of L245NS steel in CO2-O2-H2S system[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2022,168:224-238.
●LENG J,TIAN Z,LIAO K,HE T,et al. Localised corrosion failure of an L245N pipeline in a CO2-O2-Cl environment[J]. Corrosion Engineering,Science and Technology,2023,58(4):372-383.
●ZHAO S,LIAO K,HE G,HE T,et al. Application of internal corrosion direct assessment in CO2 slug flow submarine pipelines[J]. Journal of Taibah University for Science,2021,15(1):984-998.
●HE T,TANG J,LIAO J,et al. Experimental study on the quantitative relationship between the non-contact magnetic signal and detection height of ferromagnetic pipelines[C]. Wuhan,China:4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials,2023.
●HE T,LIAO J,LIAO J,et al. Study on the strengthening effect of excitation magnetic field on stress-induced magnetic signal of x80 steels[C]. Wuhan,China:4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials,2023.
●HE G,HE T,LIAO K,et al. A novel three-dimensional non-contact magnetic stress inspection technology and its application on LNG pipeline[C]. Calgary,Alberta,Canada:International Pipeline Conference,2020.
●HE G,XIA G,LIAO K,HE T,et al. Stress analysis of crossing highway pipe sections under vehicle load based on the experiment of real-size pipes[C]. Calgary,Alberta,Canada:International Pipeline Conference,2022.
●HE T,LIAO K,HE G,et al. Safety pipe loop and method for strain monitoring of mountainous pipelines:US11402194B2[P/OL]. 2022-08-02.
●HE G,HE T,LIAO K,et al. Non-contact real-time stress monitoring method for buried pipelines:US10724906B1[P/OL]. 2022-07-28.
●何腾蛟,何国玺,廖柯熹,等.一种石油储罐罐壁缺陷磁检测装置与方法:202110733253.X[P]. 2022-07-26.
●何腾蛟,廖柯熹,何国玺,等.一种山区管道应变监测安全管环与方法:202011386730.1[P]. 2022-04-05.
●廖柯熹,何腾蛟,何国玺,等.一种山地管道环焊缝非接触识别定位方法:201811385365.5[P]. 2020-02-28.
●廖柯熹,何腾蛟,何国玺,等.一种埋地管道非接触式应力实时监测方法:201910541665.6[P]. 2020-02-28.
●廖柯熹,何腾蛟,何国玺,等.一种埋地管道安全状态监测与预警方法:202010182186.2[P]. 2020-11-10.
●廖德琛,何腾蛟,廖柯熹,等.一种管道缺陷快速磁检测装置与方法:202110337441.0[P]. 2021-12-21.
●廖德琛,廖柯熹,何腾蛟,等.一种管道轴向应力快速检测装置与方法:202110537235.4[P]. 2021-12-03.
●廖柯熹,朱洪东,何腾蛟,等.管道安全状态评估方法与阶梯式升压管道安全复产方法:110822297B[P]. 2021-02-02.
●李博阳,廖柯熹,何国玺,何腾蛟,等.一种埋地金属管道埋深及走向检测方法:113138421B[P]. 2022-01-28.
●王亮,廖柯熹,何国玺,何腾蛟,等.一种山区管道应变在线监测系统:113155017B[P]. 2022-05-24.
●夏国强,陈小榆,廖柯熹,何腾蛟,等.一种穿越公路管段承载能力分析方法:114444229B[P]. 2022-09-30.



