To all international students:
In order to enrich the spare time life of international students in Sichuan during the winter break, our university, International Students Affairs Committee of Sichuan Higher Education, Sichuan International Education Exchange Association and Southwest Jiaotong University jointly held the first "studying in Sichuan - my University life" micro video competition. We hope that international student to positively participate in the competition.
The first study in Sichuan – My University Life micro video competition encourages overseas students to share their study and life experiences in Sichuan, express their feelings, thoughts and ideas with initiative, creativity and innovation, in the form of a micro video. Based on the principle of fairness, openness and impartiality, the organizing committee divides the competition into three stages: audition, online voting, final and award ceremony.
活动主办单位Event organizer
International Students Affairs Committee of Sichuan Higher Education Association
Sichuan Education Association for International Exchange (SEAIE)
活动承办单位Sponsoring organizer
Southwest Jiaotong University
Southwest Petroleum University
参赛对象Who can join
Registered international students from universities in Sichuan Province
参赛方式How to join
Individual or team
Create a micro video, the language of video can be Chinese or English.
The theme of your works should be ‘Studying in Sichuan - My Life Abroad’. It is necessary to highlight three elements of in your works, which are ‘Sichuan’, ‘my university and ‘creativity’. There is no restriction on the title of the video, as long as it revolves around the theme.
1. 作品内容思想健康、积极向上,充实而生动,重点突出,切合本次大赛主题。The content of the works should be healthy, positive, rich and vivid. The key points should be in line with the theme of this competition.
2. 参赛作品必须为原创作品,参赛者对作品拥有著作权,不存在知识产权纠纷,不得以任何形式抄袭、转载。作品涉及的著作权、肖像权以及其他一切法律责任,由参赛者本人自行承担。The entries must be original works. The participants should have the copyright of the works without intellectual property dispute. It is not allowed to copy or reprint in any form. The copyright, portrait right and all other legal liabilities involved in the works shall be borne by the participants.
3. 作品提交要求Submissions
1) 视频提交格式为RMVB、MPEG、MKV、AVI等。作品分辨率不低于720*576,画面速度不低于每秒25帧。Acceptable micro video submission formats are MP4, RMVB, MPEG, MKV, AVI, etc. The resolution of the video should be no less than 720 * 576, and the picture speed should not be lower than 25 frames per second.
2) 作品时长5分钟以内。参赛者提供视频的同时,附上主题介绍等文字说明。The duration of the video should be less than five minutes. Introduction for your works should be included when submit.
1. 遵守中国法律法规,严禁剽窃他人作品,一经发现取消参赛资格。All participants should abide by Chinese laws and regulations. Plagiarizing other people's works are strictly prohibited. Any form of cheating means automatic disqualification.
2. 作品提交后不作退还,请各类参赛人员提前做好备份。The submitted works will not be returned. Please make a backup in advance.
3. 主办方有权在网上公开作品。主办单位有权将所有参赛作品用于非盈利性的公益宣传,凡入选的参赛作品用于非盈利性宣传和展览制作等不另附稿酬。The organizer has the right to publish the works on the Internet and use them for non-profit publicity. No additional remuneration will be paid for the selected entries for non-profit publicity and production.
4. 参赛者一旦报名,即视为同意并遵守以上各项规则。Once the participants sign up, they will be deemed to agree and abide by the above rules.
5. 本活动最终解释权归主办方所有。The final interpretation right of this competition belongs to the organizer.
活动流程Competition process
1. 投稿阶段:2021年2月8日至2021年3月10日。请学生在报名截止日期前以压缩包形式将作品、附件1和附件2提交到国际处邮箱admissions_swpu@qq.com,命名方式为“姓名+国籍+作品名称”。Submission: students shall submit the compress files which including the video works, attachment 1 and attachment 2 with the tile of students name+nationality+title of the works from 8th, February 2021 to 10th March 2021
2. 海选阶段:同一作品若发送多次,以最后发送的作品为准。征集结束后,筛选重复作品,初步淘汰不符合大赛规定的作品,确定通过海选的作品,并公布名单。Audition: If the same works are sent more than once, the last one shall prevail. At the end of the collection, the works will be screened and those that do not meet the requirements of the competition will be eliminated. The works that pass the audition will be determined, and the list will be published.
3. 网络投票阶段:主办方将在UNIEDU官方主页发布所有入围作品,拉票阶段由参赛者自主发起拉票活动。参赛者需在UNIEDU官方主页作品发布区尽可能为自己的作品争取到更多的点赞。网络投票结束后,由评选小组统计点赞数并公布最终进入决赛的名单。Online voting: the organizer publishes all shortlisted works onto the news section of the official site of UniEdu (see the attachment). Each published works will have a ‘likes’ function where you can vote. Participants are encouraged to win more ‘likes’ for their works. At the end of this voting process, the selection group will count the number of ‘likes’, and those with the highest number of ‘likes’ will be announced in a list to go through to the next stage of the competition.
4. 决赛阶段:决赛评选采取“网络投票”+“评选小组打分”的评选模式决出最终获奖名单。Final: the final evaluation consists of two parts, a score by the judges and the number of ‘likes’ that are scored in online voting stage.
决赛评分标准Judge’s Final scoring criteria
1) 作品内容切合主题,立意积极向上,中心明确;The content of the works should be positive, clear and in line with the theme.
2) 作品凸显出“留学四川”“在读学校”和“个人创意”三个特点;The works highlights three elements of Sichuan, my university and creativity.
3) 作品具有个人特点,设计个性化。Works should show your personal characteristics and design.
5. 奖项设置Awards
设立一、二、三等奖及若干优胜奖。The competition sets up the first, the second, the third prize and a number of other prizes.
6. 颁奖典礼Award ceremony
具体安排另行通知Detailed arrangements will be announced later.
附件一报名表Attachment 1. Application form
附件二承诺书Attachment 2. Letter of commitment
7th Feb., 2021