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Nanoscale Synthesis and Assembly to Smart Optical Materials

2019-06-15  作者:  编辑:全红平  审核:  浏览:[]

Nanoscale Synthesis and Assembly to Smart Optical Materials

报告人:Yadong Yin(殷亚东)教授、博士生导师




Smart materials hold great promises for many intrigue applications as they exhibit chemical and physical responses to the applied external stimuli. This presentation will focus on the synthesis and fabrication of nanostructured materials with responsive optical properties that can find applications in printing, sensing, signage, security documents, displays, and energy conversion. We will discuss our recent advances on the development of rational chemical synthesis of hybrid nanostructures with multiple functionalities and the novel approaches to assembling them into secondary nanostructures whose optical properties can be actively tuned by controlling the spatial arrangement and orientation of the nanoscale building blocks. Many novel optical materials with visible and infrared outputs have been developed by manipulating the interaction between light and the nanostructures, such as diffraction, refraction, birefringence, and electronic resonances.

上一条:航空发动机先进制造技术 下一条:Polarized Resonance Synchronous Spectroscopy: A New Analytical Technique for Material Characterization and Process Monitoring from Small Molecules to Large Nanoparticle Assemblies



学院地址:四川省成都市新都区新都大道太阳成集团tyc3355cc明德楼A区 联系电话:028-83037306 邮编:610500