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Dr.Jolanta Swiatowska visited Schoolof Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering, SWPU

2016-05-05  作者:  编辑:唐鋆磊  审核:  浏览:[]

Dr.Jolanta Swiatowska visited Schoolof Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering, SWPU

Dr Jolanta Swiatowska is a researcher at CNRS (CentreNational de laRecherche Scientifique) in the Institut de Recherche de ChimieParis, Ecole NationaleSupérieure de Chimie de Paris, Chimie-ParisTech, France. She is an activemember in Prof. Phillipe Marcus team. Her main activity is research in the domain ofcorrosion and new energy. She teachesfor Master level for international students (Master ICARE, MasterREST) and supervises of PhD students and post doctorates. She has published more than 50papers in scientific journals, books and conference proceedings and she isco-author of over 100 international and national conference presentations. (H index 20 andthe impact factor more than 180)  

She visited our school on Friday April 29th 2016. Wediscussed deeply about our scientific collaboration in the both of domains ofcorrosion and new energy. We held also a meeting between Dr. Jolanta Swiatowska, Prof. Ye Zhongbin, Dean of SCCE,  Prof. Wang Bing, DeputyDean of SCCE, Prof. Duan Ming, Deputy Dean SCCE, Dr. DuanWenmeng, Dr. Dai Shanshan, Dr. Tang Junlei, Dr. Wang Yingying (Meeting Room A523). During this meeting we presented SWPU then SCCE and Dr. Swiatowska presented her research institute. We discussed about students exchanges, teaching and the eventual collaboration between SWPU and Paris University.

She is an expert in the surface analysis and she did a lecture entitled:“Electrode/electrolyteinterphases characterized by means of surface sensitive techniques – X-RayPhotoelectron Spectroscopy and Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry”.(Room A204 Mingde Building)

School of Chemistry andChemical Engineering, SWPU


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