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学术报告:Design, Synthesis, and Applications of High-Performance Polymer Semiconductors in Organic Electronics

发布日期:2017年09月15日    作者:    编辑:武元鹏    审核:    点击:[]

报告题目:Design, Synthesis, and Applications of High-Performance Polymer Semiconductors in Organic Electronics

报告人:郭旭岗  教授、博士生导师



摘要:We present the imide-functionalized polymer semiconductors for high-performance organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) and polymer solar cells (PSCs). The imide-functionalized arenes include naphthalene diimide, phthalimide, thiophene imide, bithiazole imide, bithiophene imide, and various bithiophene imide derivatives with precisely controlled conjugation length and defined structure. Some other novel imide-functionalized arenes will also be presented. By copolymerizing with various electron donor co-units, we are able to achieve a series of polymer semiconductors with tunable charge carrier polarities (n-type, p-type, and ambipolar) and substantial mobilities. The high mobilities, narrow bandgaps, and low-lying HOMOs enable the imide-functionalized polymers as excellent donor materials in PSCs, and the resulting solar cells show highly promising power conversion efficiencies (PCEs). The materials chemical structure-property-device performance correlation is established, which should guide materials design in organic electronics.


Intramolecular sulfur-oxygen interaction has shown great success in designing high-performance organic semiconductors due to good materials solubility and high-degree of backbone planarity. However, the derived semiconductors usually have high-lying HOMOs due to the strong electron donating nature of alkoxy chain, which leads to degraded stability in OTFTs and small open-circuit voltages in PSCs (< 0.6 V). By wisely choosing the arenes and controlling the substitution pattern of the alkoxy chains, we have successfully synthesized a series of novel electron-rich building blocks featuring intramolecular sulfur-oxygen interaction, and their incorporation into polymer backbones affords the resulting semiconductors with high-degree of backbone planarity, close intermolecular packing, low-lying HOMOs, and widely tunable bandgaps, which lead to remarkable charge carrier mobility with good OTFT stability. At meantime, substantial Vocs (~ 0.8 V) and excellent PCEs (> 10%) are achieved in PSCs. Hence, the intramolecular sulfur-oxygen interaction is an effective strategy for materials innovation in organic electronics.

报告人简介:郭旭岗, 博士,南方科技大学材料科学与工程系教授。2009年毕业于美国肯塔基大学获得化学博士学位(导师: Mark D. Watson教授), 2009年至2012年在美国西北大学化学系和材料研究中心从事博士后研究(导师:Tobin J. Marks教授,2017 Priestly Medalist), 2012年底加入南方科技大学材料科学与工程系。郭教授自攻读博士以来一直从事高性能有机半导体材料合成和器件应用的研究,工作主要集中在酰亚胺基高分子半导体及基于分子内硫-氧非共价键作用的高分子半导体材料的设计、合成、及其在高性能有机场效应晶体管和聚合物太阳能电池中的应用。至今为止,在Chem. Rev., Nature Photonics, JACS, Angew. Chem., Adv. Mater., PNAS等高水平期刊发表学术论文30余篇。多篇论文在封面发表,并被媒体广泛报道,论文引用2900余次,单篇引用100次以上论文12篇,申请国际发明专利10余项,成果转化1项。受包括Chem. Rev.Nature Energy在内的多家杂志和出版社约稿撰写综述和专著, 作邀请报告20余次。


上一条:唐水花教授参加Advanced Functional Materials 2017国际会议 下一条:材料院申文竹在2017年中国材料大会“矿物与油气田材料分会”做口头报告


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